Color System

PvP Color Name: 10 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1300 1500 1800 2000 2300 2500 2800 3000 3300 3500 3800 4000 4300 4500 5000 5300 5500 5800 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000

Pk Color Title: 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 700 1000 1300 1500 1800 2000 2500


Server time: UTC -3
Server Chronicles: Interlude (Client Classic)
Armor: No Custom (TT após 2 meses de server)
Weapon No Custom
Jewels Boss Somente dos EPICs
Tattoo and Accessories
Sub-Class free
Noblesse party last hit barakiel
Donates Does not influence balance
Geodata and Pathnodes 100% (Lucera)
Off-line Shop mode
Auto Learn Skills at 2 job
Auto loot - Automatic pick up (except raid's drops)
Wedding System
Only 1 Clan per Ally
Farm system: custom drop areas.
Chaotic Zones.
Events Automatics
Clan Skills Selling - Double click in scroll for learn skills
Argument STR,INT,WIT,MEN: 5% Chance
Argument Skills: 3% Chance
Bishop authorized only in Party Zone
Custom Cancellation: Buffs restored after 10 seconds






1 a 19 50x 70x 100x
20 a 39 25x 35x 50x
40 a 51 20x 28x 40x
52 a 60 15x 21x 30x
61 a 75 10x 14x 20x
76 a 80 5x 7x 10x

Safe Enchant

Weapon: +3
Armor: +3
Jewels: +3

Max Enchant

Weapon: +16
Armor: +10
Jewels: +10

Chance Scroll

Normal: 60%
Blessed: 50%
Donate (in panel): 5%


Buff Slot 20 + 4 (Divine Inspiration)
Buffs in NPC Buffer
Buff time 2 hours
System PvP: Lose Buff in Chaotic Zone


Siege 7 in 7 Days
Sieges Awarded
Castle Active: Giran/Aden
Awards Castles: Giran and Aden
Awards: 200 Ticket


All boss Chaotic Zone
NO-BS in Area-PvP
Party Zone Special Drops

Areas Farm

Varkas Silenos (x2) - Solo Zone
Crypt of Disgrace (x3) - Party Zone (Chaotic)

Grand Olympiad

Olympiads Grade-S (No Custom)
Max Enchant in Olympiads: +6
Start Date:
Schedules: 18:00 until 19:30 PM UTC-3
New periods on each 14 days.


Secured Server uptime 99,9% Online 24 hours
Server with guaranteed stability No Lag for thousands of players
All Injection Protections
DDoS Protection by Strix Guard!
Geodata and Pathnodes working 100%

Downloads e registros

Caros jogadores, Downloads e Inscrições estarão disponíveis no Teste Beta, dia 16 às 23h59 (UTC-3)
Mantenha essa data, vá em frente e venha ser um dos primeiros a se conectar na inauguração.
Esperamos por você e seus amigos!